Results for 'Jan Gabriël Van der Watt'

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  1.  9
    Moral language in the New Testament: the interrelatedness of language and ethics in early Christian writings.Ruben Zimmermann & Jan Gabriël Van der Watt (eds.) - 2010 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    This volume focuses on the interrelatedness of morality and language. Apart from explicit ethical statements, implicit NT moral language is analysed in three overlapping aspects based on the interpretation of concrete NT texts: an intratextual level (linguistic and analytic philosophical methods: syntactical form, style and logic), an textual and intertextual level (form criticism, discourse analysis) and an extratextual level (speech act analysis; rhetoric; reader-response criticism). With reference to analytical moral philosophy, the contributions address questions such as: Where does the ethical (...)
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    Geweld in 'n evangelie van liefde: Die Evangelie van Johannes se perspektief op geweld teen Jesus en sy dissipels.Jan Van der Watt - 2008 - HTS Theological Studies 64 (4).
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    1, 2 en 3 Johannes: ‘n Oorsig van die huidige stand van navorsing oor die inleidingsvraagstukke.Jan Van der Watt - 2011 - HTS Theological Studies 67 (1).
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    Abraham Johannes Malherbe – teoloog en mens / theologian and human.Jan G. Van der Watt - 2012 - HTS Theological Studies 68 (1).
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    ‘Breek die tempel af’: Etiese dimensies in Johannes 2:13-22?Jan G. Van der Watt - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (1).
    Destroy this temple’: Ethical dimensions in John 2:13–22? The question asked is to what extent could one speak of ethical dynamics in the Gospel of John, even in cases where there is no surface level textual evidence for the presence of ethical material? It is argued that through the process of rereading, which is invited by the Johannine text as performative text, ethical dimensions are highlighted in texts where such emphases were not apparent at the first reading. As example the (...)
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    C.H. Dodd se verstaansraamwerk vir die Johannes-evangelie: ’n Evaluasie.Jan G. Van der Watt - 2013 - HTS Theological Studies 69 (1):1-7.
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    Hoe akkuraat kan ’n Bybelvertaling wees? [vreemd taal weggelaat] in 1 Johannes 5:1-4 as voorbeeld.Jan Van der Watt - 2004 - HTS Theological Studies 60 (3).
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    Mag deur taal in 1 Johannes.Jan G. Van der Watt - 2012 - HTS Theological Studies 68 (1).
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  9. Reflections on doing what is good and true in the Gospel of John.Jan G. van der Watt - 2013 - In Friedrich Wilhelm Horn, Ulrich Volp, Ruben Zimmermann & Esther Verwold, Ethische Normen des frühen Christentums: Gut - Leben - Leib - Tugend. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
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    "Sit u hier maar gaan staan jy daar": Kantaantekeninge by Jakobus 2:1-4.Jan Van der Watt - 2001 - HTS Theological Studies 57 (1/2).
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    The spatial dynamics of Jesus as King of Israel in the Gospel according to John.Jan Van der Watt - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (4):1-7.
    The presence of the kingdom of God is usually associated with the theology of the Synoptic Gospels, but this article describes how the concept of kingdom also plays an important role in the Gospel of John, as Busse also argues. It is argued that the Johannine group identify themselves as children of the King and regard themselves as members of the kingdom, of which Jesus, the Messiah, is the major representative on Earth. What is expected of a king in ancient (...)
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    Stephan J. Joubert (South African academic and visionary): His response to questions related to his academic views.Stephan J. Joubert & Jan G. Van der Watt - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4).
    This article reflects a conversation between Jan G. van der Watt and Stephan Joubert. The article serves as the introduction to the Special Collection: ‘From timely exegesis to contemporary ecclesiology: Relevant hermeneutics and provocative embodiment of faith in a Corona-defined world – Festschrift for Stephan Joubert, sub-edited by Willem Oliver ’. Following a brief bio-statement as introduction, the following issues are discussed: the collection for the Jerusalem church; relevance of theology for society; social-scientific exegesis; the ancient concept of grace; (...)
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    The adjudication of miracles: Rethinking the criteria of historicity.Michael R. Licona & Jan G. Van der Watt - 2009 - HTS Theological Studies 65 (1).
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    The portrayal of the hardening of the disciples’ hearts in Mark 8:14–21.Sug-Ho Lee & Jan G. Van der Watt - 2009 - HTS Theological Studies 65 (1).
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    Historians and miracles: The principle of analogy and antecedent probability reconsidered.Michael R. Licona & Jan G. Van der Watt - 2009 - HTS Theological Studies 65 (1).
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    The future of religion and the religion of the future.Jan van der Veken - 2003 - Bijdragen 64 (2):129-143.
    This article concentrates on a number of publications such as Marcel Gauchet, Le Désenchantement du monde. Une histoire politique de la religion, Paris, Gallimard 1984. Luc Ferry, L'homme-Dieu ou le sens de la vie , Gianni Vattimo, Credere di credere, Garanti Editore 1996. Gabriel Ringlet, Evangile d’un libre penseur. Dieu serait-il laïque? Paris, Albin Michel 1998. All these books are concerned with the theme of secularization. Gauchet's eminal book sees Christianity as “the religion of the exit of religion”. This means (...)
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    An Introduction to the Johannine Gospel and Letters. By Jan van der Watt.Nicholas King - 2009 - Heythrop Journal 50 (1):165-166.
  18.  24
    Liefde in die familie van God 'n Beskrywende uiteensetting van familiale liefdesverhoudinge in die Johannesevangelie.J. G. Van der Watt - 1997 - HTS Theological Studies 53 (3).
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    ‘BIG, HARD and UP!’ A healthy creed for men to live by?Stephan van der Watt - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (2):1-9.
    The social construction of reality is influenced extensively by the mass media. Commercialised images of masculinity, including discourses to interpret it, are continuously reflected and/or created by sources of mass media, in a myriad of ways. These images are subjectively loaded, but still effectively communicate to us, and even entice and persuade us. It furthermore wields extensive power over men - especially over their self-images, passions, and egos. In this article, dominating images and discourses concerning manhood and male identity - (...)
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    Hoe is Jesus gekruisig?J. G. Van Der Watt & S. J. Joubert - 1996 - HTS Theological Studies 52 (4).
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  21. Book Reviews: Jean Grondin, Paul Ricoeur, Paris: PUF, 2013 (Luca M. Possati); François Dosse et Catherine Goldenstein (éds.), Paul Ricoeur : penser la mémoire, Paris, Seuil, 2013 (Aurore Dumont); Gert-Jan van der Heiden, The Truth (and Untruth) of Language. Heidegger, Ricoeur and Derrida on Disclosure and Displacement, Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press (Paul-Gabriel Sandu); Marc-Antoine Vallée, Gadamer et Ricoeur. La conception herméneutique du langage, Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2012, coll. «Philosophica»,(Paul Marinescu); Saulius Geniusas, The Origins of the Horizon in Husserl's Phenomenology, Dordrecht: Springer, Series: Contributions to Phenomenology, Vol. 67, 2012 (Witold Płotka); Annabelle Dufourcq, La dimension imaginaire du réel dans la philosophie de Husserl, Dordrecht: Springer, 2011, coll.: Phaenomenologica 198 (Delia Popa); Denis Seron, Ce que voir veut dire. Essai sur la perception, Paris: Éditions du Cerf, 2012 (Maria Gyemant); Hans Frie. [REVIEW]Luca M. Possati, Aurore Dumont, Paul-Gabriel Sandu, Paul Marinescu, Witold Płotka, Delia Popa, Maria Gyemant, Christian Ferencz-Flatz, Bogdan Mincă, Denisa Butnaru, Ovidiu Stanciu & Mădălina Diaconu - 2013 - Studia Phaenomenologica 13:469-508.
    Luca M. Possati, Jean Grondin, Paul Ricoeur ; Aurore Dumont, François Dosse et Catherine Goldenstein, Paul Ricoeur: penser la mémoire ; Paul-Gabriel Sandu, Gert-Jan van der Heiden, The Truth of Language. Heidegger, Ricoeur and Derrida on Disclosure and Displacement ; Paul Marinescu, Marc-Antoine Vallée, Gadamer et Ricoeur. La conception herméneutiquedu langage ; Witold Płotka, Saulius Geniusas, Th e Origins of the Horizon in Husserl’s Phenomenology ; Delia Popa, Annabelle Dufourcq, La dimension imaginaire du réel dans la philosophie de Husserl ; (...)
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  22. Corporate governance in south Africa.G. J. Rossouw, A. van der Watt & D. P. Malan Rossouw - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 37 (3):289 - 302.
    The King Report on Corporate Governance (1994) evoked unprecedented interest in corporate governance in South Africa. This does not mean that corporate governance was not an issue of concern before the release of this historical report. To the contrary, corporate governance in its broader sense has been at stake since the inception of the first publicly owned companies in South Africa. This article intends to give an overview of corporate governance in South Africa. It starts by making a distinction between (...)
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    The identity of the recipients of the Fourth Gospel in the light of the purpose of the Gospel.Won-Ha Hwang & J. G. Van der Watt - 2007 - HTS Theological Studies 63 (2).
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    Iterated Belief Change in Multi-Agent Systems.Jan-Willem Roorda, Wiebe van der Hoek & John-Jules Meyer - 2003 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 11 (2):223-246.
    We give a model for iterated belief change in multi-agent systems. The formal tool we use for this is a combination of modal and dynamic logic. Two core notions in our model are the expansion of the knowledge and beliefs of an agent, and the processing of new information. An expansion is defined as the change in the knowledge and beliefs of an agent when it decides to believe an incoming formula while holding on to its current propositional beliefs. To (...)
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  25. Coercive Interference and Moral Judgment.Jan-Willem van der Rijt - 2011 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 14 (5):549 - 567.
    Coercion is by its very nature hostile to the individual subjected to it. At the same time, it often is a necessary evil: political life cannot function without at least some instances of coercion. Hence, it is not surprising that coercion has been the topic of heated philosophical debate for many decades. Though numerous accounts have been put forth in the literature, relatively little attention has been paid to the question what exactly being subjected to coercion does to an individual (...)
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    Republican Dignity: The Importance of Taking Offence.Jan-Willem Van Der Rujt - 2009 - Law and Philosophy 28 (5):465-492.
    This paper analyses the republican notion of non-domination from the viewpoint of individual dignity. It determines the aspect of individual dignity that republicans are concerned with and scrutinises how it is safeguarded by non-domination. I argue that the notion of non-domination as it is formulated by Pettit contains a number of ambiguities that need to be addressed. I discuss these ambiguities and argue for specific solutions that place great importance on a person’s moral beliefs and his status as a moral (...)
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    Editorial Introduction.Jan Willem Stutje & Marcel van der Linden - 2007 - Historical Materialism 15 (1):37-45.
    Ernest Mandel theorised the capitalist world economy as an articulated system of capitalist, semi-capitalist and precapitalist relations of production, linked to each other by capitalist relations of exchange and domination by the capitalist world market. This seems to be an interesting starting point for an historically well-founded theory, building on and going beyond Marx's work, of the worldwide expansion of the capitalist mode of production from its origins to the present. In his attempt to formulate his theory, Mandel did not (...)
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  28. AI Mimicry and Human Dignity: Chatbot Use as a Violation of Self-Respect.Jan-Willem van der Rijt, Dimitri Coelho Mollo & Bram Vaassen - manuscript
    This paper investigates how human interactions with AI-powered chatbots may offend human dignity. Current chatbots, driven by large language models (LLMs), mimic human linguistic behaviour but lack the moral and rational capacities essential for genuine interpersonal respect. Human beings are prone to anthropomorphise chatbots—indeed, chatbots appear to be deliberately designed to elicit that response. As a result, human beings’ behaviour toward chatbots often resembles behaviours typical of interaction between moral agents. Drawing on a second-personal, relational account of dignity, we argue (...)
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    The Importance of Assent: A Theory of Coercion and Dignity.Jan-Willem Van der Rijt - 2012 - Springer.
    The view that persons are entitled to respect because of their moral agency is commonplace in contemporary moral theory. What exactly this respect entails, however, is far less uncontroversial. In this book, Van der Rijt argues powerfully that this respect for persons’ moral agency must also encompass respect for their subjective moral judgments – even when these judgments can be shown to be fundamentally flawed. Van der Rijt scrutinises the role persons’ subjective moral judgments play within the context of coercion (...)
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    The voice of misery: a continental philosophy of testimony.Gert-Jan van der Heiden - 2019 - Albany: SUNY Press, State University of New York.
    A systematic study of testimony rooted in contemporary continental philosophy and drawing on literary case studies. From analytic epistemology to gender theory, testimony is a major topic in philosophy today. Yet, one distinctive approach to testimony has not been fully appreciated: the recent history of contemporary continental philosophy offers a rich source for another approach to testimony. In this book, Gert-Jan van der Heiden argues that a continental philosophy of testimony can be developed that is guided by those forms of (...)
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    Exile, Use, and Form-of-Life: On the Conclusion of Agamben’s Homo Sacer series.Gert-Jan van der Heiden - 2020 - Theory, Culture and Society 37 (2):61-78.
    The last two volumes of Giorgio Agamben’s Homo Sacer series are concerned with developing a theory of use. This article offers a critical assessment of the two concepts, use and form-of-life, that form the heart of this theory: how do these two notions offer a solution to the problem of bare life that forms the core of the Homo Sacer series? First, the author describes how the original problem of bare life is taken up in The Use of Bodies and (...)
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    Saint Paul and Contemporary European Philosophy.Gert-Jan van der Heiden - 2023 - Edinburgh University Press.
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    Review of Agency and deontic logic by John Horty Oxford university press 2001. [REVIEW]Jan Reviewer-Broersen & Leender Reviewer-van der Torre - 2003 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 11 (1):45-61.
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    How to Form Good Habits? A Longitudinal Field Study on the Role of Self-Control in Habit Formation.Anouk van der Weiden, Jeroen Benjamins, Marleen Gillebaart, Jan Fekke Ybema & Denise de Ridder - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    On use and care: a debate between Agamben and Heidegger.Gert-Jan van der Heiden - 2020 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 81 (3):310-327.
    The theory of use with which Giorgio Agamben concludes his Homo Sacer-series is introduced as an alternative to the concept of care. This article critically examines the ontological status of use a...
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    Towards a sociological turn in contextualist moral philosophy.Jan Van Der Stoep - 2004 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 7 (2):133-146.
    Contextualist moral philosophers criticise hands-off liberal theories of justice for abstracting from the cultural context in which people make choices. Will Kymlicka and Joseph Carens, for example, demonstrate that these theories are disadvantageous to cultural minorities who want to pursue their own way of life. I argue that Pierre Bourdieu's critique of moral reason radicalises contextualist moral philosophy by giving it a sociological turn. In Bourdieu's view it is not enough to provide marginalised groups or subgroups with equal access to (...)
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    Public policy and the conditional value of happiness.Jan-Willem van der Rijt - 2013 - Economics and Philosophy 29 (3):381-408.
    This paper examines the increasingly popular view that new insights from the science of subjective well-being (SSWB) should play a prominent role in the determination of public policy. Though there are instrumental reasons for caring about societal happiness too, these political aspirations of the SSWB appear to be mostly intrinsically motivated. As the intrinsic value of happiness is endorsed across the political happiness as a fitting response to the state of the world, authenticity, and merit – it is shown that (...)
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    The dialectics of Paul: on exception, grace, and use in Badiou and Agamben.Gert-Jan van der Heiden - 2016 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 77 (3):171-190.
    ABSTRACTThe remarkable philosophical present-day turn to Paul pays a lot of attention to the particular role played by the famous distinctions that structure Paul’s rhetoric such as the distinction between faith and law, life and death, and spirit and flesh. These distinctions lead to the question of whether Paul endorses a dualism or not. In this essay, the author investigates Badiou’s and Agamben’s readings of Paul and asks whether one cannot find a form of dialectics rather than dualism in these (...)
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  39. Framing a vision of the world: essays in philosophy, science, and religion, in honor of Professor Jan van der Veken.André Cloots, Santiago Sia & Jan van der Veken (eds.) - 1999 - Leuven: Leuven University Press.
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    De stem van de doden: hermeneutiek als spreken namens de ander.Gerrit Jan van der Heiden & Henk Hoeks - 2012 - Nijmegen: Vantilt.
    Fundamentele filosofische studie over hermeneutiek, opgevat als het stem geven aan degene die niet (meer) zelf kan spreken, met beschouwingen over het betreffende gedachtegoed van enkele vooraanstaande denkers zoals Plato en Heidegger.
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    The Vice of Admiration.Jan-Willem van der Rijt - 2018 - Philosophy 93 (1):69-90.
    Moral exemplars are often held up as objects to be admired. Such admiration is thought beneficial to the admirer, inducing him or her to emulate virtuous conduct, and deemed flattering to the admired. This paper offers a critical examination of admiration from a broadly Kantian perspective, arguing that admiration – even of genuine moral exemplars – violates the duty of self-respect. It also provides an explanation for the fact that moral exemplars themselves typically shun admiration. Lastly, it questions the assumption (...)
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    Testimony and Engagement: On the Four Elements of Witnessing.Gert-Jan van der Heiden - 2021 - Studia Phaenomenologica 21:21-39.
    In order to develop a hermeneutic-phenomenological analysis of testimony, this essay will first argue that testimony is “said in many ways” without being homonymous and that contemporary epistemological approaches to testimony are not capable of accounting for all paradigmatic forms of testimony. Second, it is argued, following and extending the work of Paul Ricoeur, that by emphasizing the sense of engagement or Bezogenheit as a basic characteristic of testimony, we may find another approach to testimony that offers a phenomenological alternative (...)
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    Distantiatie in de hermeneutiek Van Paul Ricoeur.Gert-jan van der Heiden - 2007 - Bijdragen 68 (3):277-297.
    One of the key concepts of Paul Ricoeur’s hermeneutics is the notion of distanciation. In this article we show that Ricoeur introduces this notion as a correction of Heidegger’s focus on being-in and Gadamer’s emphasis on belonging . Ricoeur argues that distanciation does not lead to the uprooting of our belonging to a tradition. Rather, distanciation is an integral part of the dynamics that constitutes tradition. We discuss the different senses in which Ricoeur understands distanciation as a positive and productive (...)
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    De Particulariteit Van De Godsdienst En De Universaliteit Van De Rede.Jan Van Der Veken - 1997 - Bijdragen 58 (2):189-193.
    Lieven Boeve seems to take it for granted that there is an opposition between the 'modern' concern for universality and our 'postmodern' awareness of invincible particularity. Christian religion however is, according to Whitehead, 'a religion seeking a metaphysics'. Starting from its particular experience it throws light upon our existence as a whole and even upon cosmic reality . If the God of Israel is the true God, He is also the God of heaven and earth. There is in christian religion (...)
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  45. Op de vleugels van Icarus.Gert-Jan van der Heiden - 2014 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 54 (3):40-41.
    Amsterdam University Press is a leading publisher of academic books, journals and textbooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Our aim is to make current research available to scholars, students, innovators, and the general public. AUP stands for scholarly excellence, global presence, and engagement with the international academic community.
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    Interpreters of the Divine: nancy’s poet, jeremiah the prophet, and saint paul’s glossolalist.Gert-Jan van der Heiden - 2021 - Angelaki 26 (3-4):90-100.
    In both “Answering for Sense” and “Sharing Voices,” Jean-Luc Nancy offers an account of the poet as an interpreter of the gods. The voice of the poet in both Homer’s Iliad and Plato’s Ion is intrinsically and originally doubled. Although there is no divine voice outside of the poet’s voice, the divine voice speaks in the poet’s voice and the poetic voice gives a voice to that of the goddess or the muse. What exactly is at stake in this phenomenon (...)
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    The Philosophical Context of Collingwood’s Re-Enactment Theory.Jan van der Dussen - 1995 - International Studies in Philosophy 27 (2):81-99.
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    Torture, Dignity, and Humiliation.Jan-Willem van der Rijt - 2016 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 54 (4):480-501.
    Several recent analyses of torture focus on the humiliation torture inflicts on the victim as the principal evil inherent in torture. This paper challenges this focus by arguing that the connection between torture and humiliation is not a necessary one. Though it is true that most contemporary usages of torture humiliate, it is shown that this is dependent on both the context of the torture and the specific means of torture applied. It is demonstrated that, in certain circumstances, torture is (...)
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    Ontology after ontotheology: plurality, event, and contingency in contemporary philosophy.Gerrit Jan van der Heiden - 2014 - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Duquesne University Press.
    Van der Heiden works largely with present-day thinkers such as Badiou, Nancy, Romano, Meillassoux, and Agamben, and examines contemporary thought as it seeks to recover a sense of the absolute, but without recourse to specifically theological underpinnings.
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    The ethics of assessing health technologies.Gert Jan van der Wilt, Rob Reuzel & H. David Banta - 2000 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 21 (1):101-113.
    Health technology assessment consists of thesystematic study of the consequences of theintroduction or continued use of the technology in aparticular context, with the explicit objective toarrive at a judgment of the value or merit of thetechnology. Ideally, it is aimed at assessing allaspects of a given technology or group oftechnologies, including non-technical, e.g.socio-ethical, aspects. However, methods for assessingsocio-ethical implications of health technology arerelatively undeveloped and few mechanisms exist totake action based on the results of such evaluations.Still, the examples of cochlear (...)
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